Empower your team with AI automation

Free your team from routine tasks.

A Freeday for everybody!

Redefine the integration of artificial intelligence in the workplace. Our Digital Employees are not just tools - they are teammates, designed to function with the complexity of a human colleague. They work alongside your team, adapting seamlessly to your processes and only adding value.

More about Freeday

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Discover the benefits of
digital employees

Specialized AI assistants

Optimize your Customer Service, Finance, or KYC department with Real-time Digital Employees.
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Data-driven decisions

Utilize customer interactions as valuable insights. Gain a clear view of performance and derive actionable knowledge.
digital dashboard showing performance of digital employee

Seamless IT integrations

Seamlessly connect with existing infrastructure without extra layers.

Cost efficient

Cut costs by at least 50%, freeing resources for more important work.

Services automation

Instantly handle up to 70% of all interactions across mail, chat and voice.

Find your
digital employee

Customer Service

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Answer Questions
Appointment Management
Improve both your employee and customer experiences in interactions, as well in the follow-up tasks, both proactive and reactive.

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ID document processing
Mailbox management
Support your AML/KYC teams by automate client interactions, mail sorting, regulatory checks, data extraction and documentation.

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Accounts payable

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Invoice processing
Pay slip extraction
Automate your Finance inbox management, invoice extraction, documentation and follow-up.

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Experience the quality and convenience of your own digital employee!

Book a demo

Latest insights

Go to Resources

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AI: the future of efficient healthcare
Tech insights
AI: the future of efficient healthcare
Deep dive with our tech lead
Tech insights
Deep dive with our tech lead
Implementing success: Freeday's tailored AI solutions
Tech insights
Implementing success: Freeday's tailored AI solutions

Clients about Freeday :)

Global strategic partners
logo Freeday partner AudiocodesLogo Freeday partner Ciphix
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